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Digital Bank Account

Opening an account made easy

mobile app

Making a lengthy process
feel short

We used several techniques that have influenced how users experience time.


Opening a digital bank account now feels simple, quick and easy.

Less is more

A minimalist design with light and fun animation guiding the user through the process, is used to keep it easy and simple.


Simple screens containing a single question ease the cognitive load.

Feel the progress

A progress indicator takes away any stress by letting users know how far they have come and what they must do next.


Dividing the process into short sections awards users with “quick wins” and gives them a sense of achievement.

Specialized UI Elements

A custom slider designed to mesh with the minimalist “line design” of the app makes it easy for users to specify their month or annual income.


Using icons with our minimalist approach greatly enhances user comprehension.

ID Scanning & Face Recognition

The user is identified using their ID document and advanced facial recognition technology.

It Takes Two to Tango!

Opening a joint account is a bit tricky, but we’ve found a way to make it easy and engaging.
Once one partner gets things moving and fills in most of the details, an invitation is sent to the second partner who then steps in. The process ends with a “signature” move and bravo, a new account takes to the floor.


We’ve conducted usability testing and gathered feedback.

Here’s one review.

30 sec.

We’ve conducted usability testing and gathered feedback.

Here’s one review.

30 sec.
Tal Lupo
UX Manager

Thank you for your uncompromising professionalism and innovative work, unique and creative design and for your brilliant animation.
And to top it all – thank you for your outstanding cooperation and caring.

What a bunch of talented people!

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We love making new friends

30 Shacham st.
Petah Tiqwa, Israel