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New ATM Experience

Easy money

point of sale

ATM as an App

A modern style was used, incorporating bright design, video, and animation.

Branded UI

We developed a toolkit of user interface components, built out from the core brand identity, that connect the real and digital world through animation and design.


The machine handles all those tricky loading times and edge-cases and provides clear feedback using icons, color and text.

Say it with Animation

Animations were used to instruct the users.
This is both informative and delightful!


Instantly recognizable, easy to scan and understand.

Shirli Shoham Klein
Head of Digital & Innovation

UXPERT is our faithful partner to an extensive transformation of our digital assets.

True professionals, with holistic and business driven thinking, while keeping the perfect user experience in mind.
Always cooperative and helpful, and winning my trust every day!

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30 Shacham st.
Petah Tiqwa, Israel